About Chirag Desai

An ambitious student from Pune, Chirag Desai, takes to blogging to earn his pocket money. His blog is interesting because it covers many human topics. You can find out the best tips for parenting by reading his posts. You can read his post to find out the multiple ways to make your birthday enjoyable. He also shares many posts about education and courses. You can find out about cheap domestic travel options by reading his posts. You can also acquire knowledge about the different PGDM courses so that you can select the best simply by reading his posts. Comment on the posts that inspired you the most.

How To Celebrate Your Birthday In Ways More Than One?

Birthday Party Ideas

Birthdays have been a tradition celebrated for years worldwide. Birthdays like most of us know is commemorated with the cutting of a cake and candles blown out with a sumptuous feast after which would be followed by song and dance, until one tires themselves to sleep, to wake up the next day and realise that you’ve aged a year and like most adults live for another week in denial until the truth sinks in.

Before the gloom kicks in, here are some creative birthday party ideas so you can at least have a super birthday before the fear kicks in, why? Because it’s your birthday! You deserve it!

Ready! cake! Go! Some Birthday Party Ideas

• Cocktail party: trick yourself into telling you already have a handle on your life, by throwing this awesome cocktail inspired party, wear your best suits and stilettos, go wine tasting, maybe a bit more western inspired and dine in cheese and wine or hire a professional mixologist to mix you those drinks everyone ends up regretting the next day but oh boy! They tasted great!
• Dress up party: in primary school, fancy dress contest were a common staple, remind yourself you are still a child inside, by throwing a costume party for your birthday. Mask away your pain by donning the clothes of the infamous pirate Hook or the hunchback of Notre Dame. The choices are endless. This birthday party idea is great even for children’s birthday
• Themed birthday parties: ever wonder what’s it like to be Harry Potter, losing hair faster than voldemort horcruxes and turning 26? Well themed birthday parties are great for dressing up in your favourite characters and role playing them. You can plan a themed scavenger hunt for a fun game with your friends.
• Karaoke night: remember friends your friends exists to love you, support you and also marvel how terribly unabashed you can be in front of a mic and a teleprompter. Sing away all your birthday blues loudly with your loved ones, you are pitch perfect, listen to no one saying otherwise.

Enjoy and have great fun!

Check Out Top Websites On Parenting In India For The Best Parenting Tips

Parenting Website in India

Parents today have to deal with many aspects that influence their child, ranging from the complexity of their homework, extra-curricular activities and even the kind of peer pressure and psychological problems that they face on a daily basis. Reading child psychology books or learning parenting tips from teachers and child details on parenting can be obtained from websites which provide detailed information from doctors, senior child psychiatrists and teachers.

Parenting Websites in India – Insightful and Detailed Information On Safety and Hyginie

Websites offering tips and information on parenting provide detailed information on various aspects of how to bring up children. One if the hottest topics discussed here is child health and safety issues, which is a point of high concern as children are exposed to many hazards in their environment. These topics give vital details on how to protect children from pollution, electrical damage, chemical foods, insects etc.

Child hygiene is another topic that is much discussed as this directly affects health and overall well-being.Various tips are provided on how to keep the home and surrounding areas clean to prevent infections and diseases that generally affect small children. One topic that is much discussed on any good parenting website in India is child health issues. With so many diseases springing up suddenly, parents have to be very cautious about what food they give to their child, environmental pollution and also habita that can deteriorate child health.

Indian Parenting Websites – Find Details To Make Your Kids Sharper

Indiaparenting.com or mycity4kids.com else kidsstoppress.com are sites in which you can find details on coaching classes or extra curricular activities that enhances children’s mental abilities, skills and IQ. A top parenting website in India will give information on various events and competitions happening in and around the city in which your child can enroll or be involved.

It will also give comprehensive information on educational tools and toys that can be used to help kids imbibe information faster. One of the key areas of concern today is teaching a child analytical skills and abilities in a thorough way so that he or she becomes adept in reasoning and logical analysis. You will find the best parenting sites in India giving detailed information on such subjects and more.

Invest Time In Your Loved One So That She Becomes Happy!

Women are blessed with child bearing and a pregnant women is anxious and sometimes suffers health issues. This may be due to pregnancy and the change in hormones but a pregnant woman is often showered with love by her close relatives and friends. People always are very happy to welcome a new life to this earth and many cultures have different ways of celebrating pregnancy. Baby showers are planned so that it is celebration time not only for the pregnant woman but also for the whole family.

Post Delivery Care

Post Delivery Care!

A woman undergoes a lot of physical changes while she is pregnant. She becomes anxious too. Once the child is delivered people start concentrating on the newly born child. The mother does not receive much attention as she used to get. It is important to care for the new mother as the whole process is new to her and she may have many doubts regarding upbringing of the child. Post-delivery care is an important phase after delivery and it is very essential for the health of a woman. A structured programme is followed at almost all the places.

Physical And Emotional Changes!

A new mother is sleep deprived and she feels fatigue and she experiences post-partum blues or depression. It takes about 6 to 8 weeks for the body to reach the pre pregnancy stage. Mothers experience lot of changes physically and emotionally. Feeding and comforting the baby every three hours and constant changing becomes difficult for a new mother who is deprived of sleep. Usually the depression goes off within two weeks without treatment but if it persists then treatment is needed.

Nutrition And Rest!

A new mother should be guided in matters of baby care and she needs to be helped. A care giver or a family member should assist her and take care of the new born so that she feels rested. A nutritious meal plan is very essential as new mothers require extra nourishment as they are feeding. Most mothers experience insomnia, mood swings, withdrawal symptoms, etc. The whole dynamics changes after the birth of a new born. Here, healthy diet at regular intervals is very essential so that the mother becomes healthier.

Good rest will ensure that the mother feels good. A family member or spouse could help the new mother by taking care of the baby. A new mother needs to rest and she need not start exercising until the 2 months period. Care after delivery is designed so that a new mother feels energized and happy. A good state of mind of the mother is very essential so that she feels happy looking after her kid.

Successful Placements Achieved After Studying ITM Executive MBA Course

ITM Business School makes sure to place all its successful students at satisfactory jobs, after completion of their management courses. Since the ITM Executive MBA program is mainly designed for working professionals, this institution aims at reaching them at better heights of their career, through the placement facility offered after this course. The existing career graphs of these students further help them in bagging lucrative job offers through campus recruitment in ITM centers.

ITM Executive MBAITM Executive MBA | Image Resource : jklu.edu.in

Placements of ITM B School students through internship

Everyone aspiring to study MBA is more concerned about the prospective of placement after completing the course since it is quite expensive to study in this stream. Hence, ITM Business School has laid stress on the 100% placements of all students studying with any specialization in ITM campuses. Due to the long experience of 27 years, more than 250 corporate companies show their eagerness in recruiting ITM students in various vacant positions.

Moreover, iConnect PGDM course offers 5-months summer internship in various brands, from where many students get lucrative pre-placement offers. Students pursuing ITM EEC program can hope for promotion to higher positions, mainly when this course is conducted at their own office campuses at the request of their employers.

Placement opportunities offered to ITM EEC students

It is seen that employees from well-known brands are interested in joining ITM Executive MBA program, as they are sure of getting desired career growth by completing this course. Presently, more than 3000 students from 1200 companies pursue this management course on their weekends. Many of them may not be satisfied with their present jobs, for which they have opted to join this course in ITM Institute.

Here, they can expect placement offers from more than 400 reputed brands that have encouraged their own management employees to join this convenient course in ITM campuses. The placement cells of these ITM centers also contact several reputed companies for the successful placements of all interested students.

How to Find Cheap Hyderabad to Goa Flight Ticket Easily?

Hyderabad has turned out to be an important destination for most of the airlines, where they have connectivity to a majority of prime cities, including Goa. By this travelers planning to visit Goa can have options flexible enough to plan their travel.

Hyderabad, which is recognized for the Nizam rule, takes pride in its long history. The city offers you a mix of tradition and modernity, with the old historic city on the south Musi River and the new city on the north which is dotted with the contemporary buildings, housing numerous companies, banks and organizations.

People, in Hyderabad, travel to various places in India. Goa is one which frequented by people for business or leisure. The place known for its pristine beaches, Goa promises a lot to people by the way of sightseeing, food, and activities. The city is also home to several business establishments that offer a lot of opportunities to traders and businesspeople.

Check for Cheap Hyderabad to Goa Flight Ticket

There are numerous airlines that operate flight connectivity between Hyderabad and Goa. Among these airlines, five of them are direct airlines. Here are some of the airlines such as IndiGO, Vistara, SpiceJet, Air India, GoAir, TruJet and AirAsia India, which offer regular flights connecting these two cities.

You can find as many as 32 fights that fly from the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Hyderabad to the Goa International Airport. It is the SpiceJet that offers the most number of flights in this route. Where you want to book a cheap Hyderabad to Goa flight ticket, you can do so online for there are some major websites that offer you the cheapest fares for different dates for a month.

Hyderabad to Goa Flight Ticket

Hyderabad to Goa Flight Ticket | Image Resource: shutterstock.com

Plan Ahead to Find Low-Cost Hyderabad Goa Flights

The ticket fares are lower if you book your tickets well in advance. Like the old adage “An early bird catches the prey”, you start looking for the cheap tickets at least 3 months ahead to find them. Airlines increase the fare as the journey time nears. You can also opt for notifications through email or SMS if there are any last-minute deals on Hyderabad to Goa flight ticket. For this, you need to be flexible with your journey date.

It is advisable to travel during weekdays to acquire low fares. Airline tickets are costlier during weekends and during vacations. There are also offers given by some airlines like IndiGo and SpiceJet, which helps you book cheap Hyderabad Goa flight ticket.

How Does ITM EEC UGC Help In The Real World?

Due to the rising competitions, several companies lay off or remove people from the company in order to manage the cost cutting method in a better manner. If a candidate has a higher level of qualification and experience, then they will remain in the company as a valuable asset.

It is very important to demonstrate several skills that will convince the company to keep them over others. The ITM EEC UGC degree is a higher level of qualification that provides additional advantage and upper hand over other candidates.

ITM EEC UGCITM EEC UGC | Image Resource : thestatesman.com

Choosing The Right Type Of Course

People who do not have the right degree for the position might be replaced with those who have them. In most cases, it is important for a candidate to possess certain company specified degrees to be hired into a company. The advantages of getting an ITM EEC UGC degree:

  1. Builds the level of confidence and helps in tackling challenges faced in the corporate field.
  2. Helps in improving the managerial skill with the help of practical training in order to understand the concept.
  3. Enhances the responsibilities required of a higher designation and position.
  4. Helps in getting better salary packages and as well as promotions.
  5. The best way to get a good grasp of the corporate environment, it is important to receive advices from those people who already have a good experience. The UCG approved EEC courses in ITM holds seminars that will prepare you thoroughly.

It is important to start with the best from the basic position in order to build a strong foundation. A good business institution or school will always train you in accordance with the real-world techniques. The already present competition within ITM will train and enhance your survival skills in order to perform to the best of your abilities once you start your interview procedures.

ITM Indian Times Published News Of ITM Road Safety Awareness Rally

ITM Business School offers an extensive educational program for ambitious young people in the field of corporate management. According to the testimonials of ex-students published in ITM Indian Times, this institution offers excellent learning scope that helped them in bagging best jobs in prestigious companies of the world. Here, the theoretical and practical classes aim to train students in facing all types of professional challenges in the corporate world. The soft skills of students are also honed by the experienced faculties teaching in various ITM campuses.

The usefulness of scholarships offered by ITM Business School

The PGDM course in any specialization of business management is an expensive matter for many students belonging to a mediocre financial background. As per the current news of ITM Institute, eligible students are offered 100% scholarships so that they can continue their studies without any hindrance. Their families are relieved from a huge financial burden due to these scholarships, as stated in the testimonials of many students who have passed successfully from this institute. Only they need to clear the scholarship round during their selection process in ITM Business School, which boosts their confidence and seem to be a matter of pride for them. These scholarships help brilliant but poor students in gaining financial independence through the PGDM courses of ITM Institute.

ITM Indian Times

ITM Indian Times | Image Resource: shutterstock.com

Road safety awareness showcased by ITM Navi Mumbai students

Many people are careless about wearing helmets while riding bikes and fall victims of fatal accidents. Hence, the students of ITM Business School thought of taking an initiative in showing the importance of using helmets for bike riders. They organized a bike rally in January ’19 that was supported by local Traffic police, as per the reports of ITM Indian Times. 90 students on 60 bikes showed how to maintain road safety rules while riding bikes. Hence, their sense of social responsibility was highly appreciated by all people, which made their teachers proud of them.

PGDM Specializations: How to Choose the Best One?

A PGDM course is an ideal option for anyone looking to pursue a career in business. While many hold it against PGDM for being a mere diploma course and not a full-fledged degree, in reality, both of them hold equal value when it comes to career prospects across the country. The scope PGDM can have is evident in the many stories that pop up in ITM news articles.

However, just like MBA, PGDM comes with several specializations, and choosing one among the many is quite an ordeal. It is obviously a very crucial decision, given a candidate’s initial recruitment and consequent professional career might be determined based on that one call. ITM’s PGDM program iConnect focuses on industry-centric specializations in different locations that offer the course – Navi Mumbai, Chennai, Mumbai, Warangal and others.

But how does one go about choosing the best specialization for themselves?

ITM Indian Times

ITM News | Image Resource: shutterstock.com

Career goals and objectives

The first and foremost factor to play a role in the decision should be the aspirations of the candidate. The line of career they want to pursue should determine the specialization they pick – it is as simple as that.

Individual skills

In case the career aspirations are not crystal clear, candidates can make a choice based on their individual skills and abilities. Someone with a knack in creative business ideas should ideally go for marketing, someone with great reasoning skills should stick with Business Analytics, someone with a complete grasp on monetary issues and all its nuances should pick finance, someone with interest in the role of Digital Marketing in today’s world of trade and commerce should choose the same for their specialization, and so on.

The many options that ITM offers and the respective focus areas of each curriculum can be understood easily if you keep a tab on everyday ITM news. Marketing, Business Analytics, Digital Marketing and Transformations, Finance, Operations and Supply Chain Management, Marketing and Digital Media, Financial Technology, Retail Management and Marketing, International Business, HR Management and Finance are all the specializations covered by ITM. Look for the one that best suits your skill sets and your career goals.

ITM News: How To Choose The Best Hotel Management Course Online?

Are you a person wanting to establish a strong career in the hospitality sector? Then, hotel management course would be the right choice for you. The tourism and hospitality sector has seen a dramatic growth over the years, thanks to globalization. Due to this growth, there is also a huge demand in the market for hotel management professionals. This makes it a preferred choice for job seekers who wish to establish a strong business foundation.

Hotel Management Courses: An Insight

There are many divisions in hotel management that range from food & beverage service to sales & operation. A majority of the private firms and government colleges provide hotel management courses at pocket-friendly rates. Students can get a detailed idea about hotel management courses through ITM news. The type of stream you want to choose purely depends on your choice. Here are some top courses provided by ITM in the field of hotel management.

• Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Studies
• Bachelor of Arts in International Hospitality & Tourism Management
• Bachelor of Arts in International Culinary Arts
• BA in Professional Pastry Art
• Diploma in Patisserie and Confectionery

Hotel Management Course

ITM News | Image Resource : shutterstock.com

If you intend to start your own bakery or wish to work in a reputed cafeteria, then check out the BA in Professional Pastry Art. Those who have completed their higher secondary are eligible for enrolling in this 3-year degree course. More details about this course can be got through ITM news online. Some of the topics covered in this course include

• Food Production and Nutrition
• Food & Beverage Management
• Product Development
• Creative Patisserie
• Rooms Divisions Operations Management

Candidates who apply for the course are screened based on their personal interview, fluency in spoken and written English. You can check out ITM Institute in news and gain knowledge about the course duration, fee structure, syllabus, and other details. The faculties at the institute provide help and support service to transform you from an ordinary candidate to a professional! Through seminars and workshops, you will be able to learn more about the course and gain practical knowledge.

Prospects Of MBA Part Time Program

If an individual is planning to do an MBA and also not leave the job, then one should definitely look out for the part time MBA. This will give an individual an ample amount of time to deal with the job as well the studies.

It will help in maintaining a balance in your work life as well as personal life. It is important to make the right decision while choosing the institution for part-time MBA program. The institution should be accredited and known by people.

ITM Indian Times

ITM Indian Times | Image Resource: shutterstock.com

Significance of MBA part time program

The classes that the institution will offer needs to fit properly with the time of an individual. If classes are taken online, then there should not be problem in managing the time slots. The institutions should provide rich student life and should obviously motivate their students to have a goal in their life.

The management schools should be well affiliated and it should have a value in the eyes of the employers. One individual passing out from a reputed institution will get much more scope in life than a student passing out from a normal institution.

The time when you are available, the classes should correspond accordingly. It is not good to miss classes in a course like this; every class is important. This will simply delay the course and one will have their graduation done in a delayed manner. Some of the part time MBA program are also allowed to study through off campus process.

The student life should have a rich culture; one will end up making valuable contacts then only. This social involvement in your college life will help in having a secure future. Outside the coursework, many student activities and immense motivation resources are performed which help in forming a good personality and ITM Indian times act as a window for the students to know all the updates regarding the courses and its finer details.